Monday, July 11, 2011

Relay For Life Prize Pack WINNER!!!

Hello friends!!!
I am excited to share with you the winner of our
American Cancer Society prize pack raffle!!!
Drumroll please.......
It is Kristina Smith!!!!
CONGRATS to you!
Please contact me with your addy to claim your prize!

THANK YOU to everyone who donated!
You will recieve the tax deduction so you still win :)

We had a great Relay and I met my goal of $450
so thank you all so much!

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  1. WOW Yay I'm so so excited!!!!~ =D Thanks for such a great prize pack for such an amazing cause!!! I can't believe I won!!! =D

  2. Congratulations!!! And everybody won for sure! Well done Kim!

  3. So happy you made your goal! Yay! Wonderful cause indeed!

  4. glad to hear you had a great day, and congrats to Kristina!

  5. Congratulations! You will love your prize, I'm sure! And congratulations on your race, Kim!
